Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Busy busy busy...

Hey there,

The next few weeks are going to be quiet, I'm afraid. My wife and I will moving out soon (we have to clean, paint and furnish the apartment), I have far too many papers to complete.

So I'm all around busy.

Do not despair, more posts will follow!



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A side project

Recent discussions with Mike, the creator of the new Fetch Skis, have brought around a new sideline/project in the Peakfetch community. Yours truly will be working on revamping the Fetch Skis website.

Stay tuned for more news on this topic!

Fresh content on Peakfetch : Go outside

Just a quick link to the latest blurb on the Peakfetch : Go outside blog.



Sunday, February 1, 2009

small post.. (First one ever as well)
I'm actually in Queen Charlotte Islands, northern BC. Had the chance to surf almost every weekend so far near Masset, with nice waves. Saturday was particularly great..

Quick congratulations to our future Dad and his wife... Hopefully you are not going to have octuplets like that poor lady in the States.. Haha
Good luck for the following 9 months :P



New authors!

This is just a quick note to introduce you all to the guys I have invited as authors to the Peakfetch blog, in no particular order of importance. They're all childhood friends and constituent members of the Peakfetch music band.

Mike, the drummer of our little band, is also a bricoleur extraordinaire, always cooking up some new gadget or project that involves manual labor, sweat and lots of ingenuity. I've seen him make his own acoustic guitar, his own kite-board and many other cool thingamajigs. His latest project is the Fetch Ski (I'm sure you all see where the name comes from), which promises to revolutionize the world of alpine freeskiing (I shit you not).

Matt, the bassist of the troupe, is also our resident tooth remover (or as he prefers to be called, a dentist) who also happens to enjoy flying halfway around the world on a regular basis to go wind-surfing and skiing. His dancing rendition of "Roxanne" will knock your socks off!

Simon, the guitar player and main composer, is the guy who is always ready to spearhead an excursion into the middle of nowhere, just for the hell of it. He is our chief explorer, party organizer and also happens to be one hell of a high school teacher.

Lest I forget to actually introduce myself, here's my little biography. Having been called Marc from the youngest age, I still go by that name. I'm also the lead singer and lyrics writer in our impromptu little music organization. Professionally, I walk the fine line between geography and archaeology, eeking out my living as a youthful scientist. I'm also happily married (or so my wife Agnès tells me. :)) and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our first kid in august (2009).

That's pretty much it! Welcome to the new authors!

Fetch' them skis!

As mentioned on my other blog, my friend Mike has come up with a new alpine skiing mechanism that allows the curve of the ski to be adjusted manually to adapt to the ambient ski conditions you'll be enjoying.

For the latest news on this topic, please visit the Fetch Skis website (under construction) and the Fetch Skis Facebook group!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Peakfetch Outside

As mentioned earlier, the Peakfetch Centre blog will contain articles and links to all Peakfetch related blogs and sites. 'lo and behold, the first ancillary Peakfetch blog, Peakfetch Outside, has been created.

For now, very little can be found there. Eventually I hope to have all sorts of articles and images pertaining to Outdoor sports and activities available.
